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Frequently asked questions

Answers to the most commonly asked questions from our customers about our solar panel and battery installations. If you'd like help we're on 0330 822 2795 or start a live chat

01. Solar panel basics

What is Solar PV?

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels capture sunlight and turn it into electricity. It’s a simple way to generate clean energy for your home, helping to reduce both your energy bills and your carbon footprint.

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. This electricity can then be used in your home or stored in a battery for later use. Even on cloudy days, they still generate power, though a bit less than on sunny days.

Do solar panels work in the UK?

Yes, they do! Solar panels don't need constant sunshine to work. They generate electricity from daylight, meaning even our classic British weather can still power your home effectively.

Do solar panels work when it's cloudy?

Yes, solar panels will still work on cloudy days, just at a lower efficiency. Think of it like how you can still get sunburn on a cloudy day – the light gets through, even if you can’t see the sun.

Do solar panels work in winter?

They do! Solar panels work in daylight, not just when it's hot and sunny. Of course, shorter days and lower light levels mean they'll produce less electricity in the winter, but they’ll still contribute to your energy needs.

What’s the difference between solar PV and solar thermal?

Solar PV generates electricity from sunlight, while solar thermal systems use sunlight to heat water. If you’re looking to cut down on your electricity bill, PV panels are the way to go.

What is solar thermal?

Solar thermal technology uses sunlight to heat water for your home. It’s more for hot water than for generating electricity, so it’s a bit different from Solar PV.

What is the difference between monocrystalline panels and polycrystalline panels?

Monocrystalline panels are made from a single crystal structure, typically sleek black and are more efficient, especially in lower light. Polycrystalline panels are slightly less efficient but more affordable. Both are great options for generating solar power.

What are bifacial solar panels?

Bifacial panels can generate electricity from both sides. They capture reflected sunlight from the surface they are mounted on or surrounding areas, making them more efficient than traditional panels in certain situations, but not massively.

What are solar panels made of?

Most solar panels are made from silicon, which acts as a semiconductor. When sunlight hits the silicon cells, it creates an electric charge. The rest of the panel includes a frame, a glass cover, and wiring.

02. Inverters, Batteries, and System Components

What does an inverter do?

An inverter changes the electricity produced by your solar panels (DC) into the kind your home appliances can use (AC). It’s essential for making your solar power usable.

What is a hybrid inverter?

A hybrid inverter is a clever bit of kit that can manage both solar panels and battery storage. It can convert energy for use in your home and direct excess power into your battery.

What are micro-inverters?

Micro-inverters are small inverters attached to each individual solar panel. This allows each panel to work independently, meaning if one panel is shaded or underperforming, it won’t affect the others.

What is the difference between DC optimisers and micro-inverters?

DC optimisers work with a central inverter, improving the efficiency of each panel, while micro-inverters convert the power directly at each panel. Micro-inverters offer more flexibility, but optimisers can be more cost-effective.

Which inverter is best for my home?

It depends on your system size and budget. A traditional string inverter works well for most homes, while micro-inverters or hybrid inverters might be better if you have shading issues or plan to add battery storage.

How long do inverters last?

Most inverters last around 10 to 15 years, though it depends on the type and how it’s used. It’s something you’ll likely need to replace once or twice during your panels’ lifespan.

What’s the best place for my inverter to be installed?

Somewhere cool and well-ventilated. Many people choose their garage or utility room. Loft spaces can work, but if it gets too hot up there, it might reduce the inverter’s lifespan.

Can inverters be installed in my loft?

Yes, but make sure it’s well-ventilated. Inverters can get hot, and heat can reduce their efficiency and lifespan. Cooler spots like a utility room or garage are often better choices. It also helps you check every now and then that it is working properly.

What is a PV diverter?

A PV diverter sends any excess solar energy to your immersion heater or other appliances, so you can make the most of the power you generate before sending it back to the grid.

What is battery storage?

Battery storage allows you to store excess solar energy produced during the day for use at night or on cloudy days. It helps maximise the amount of solar power you use in your home.

What’s the best place to install my batteries?

Batteries are best stored in a cool, dry place like a utility room, garage, or even a cupboard under the stairs. They’re fairly low-maintenance, but you’ll want easy access if needed.

How many batteries do I need for my home?

This depends on how much solar energy you want to store. For a typical home, one or two batteries will usually be enough to store excess energy for use in the evenings or on cloudy days.

Can you charge batteries overnight?

Yes, some systems allow you to charge your battery overnight on cheaper, off-peak electricity rates, giving you a bit of extra flexibility if you need more power.

What happens when the batteries are full?

Once your batteries are full, any extra solar energy can either be sent back to the grid or diverted to appliances like your water heater. Nothing goes to waste!.

Do solar panels work with heat pumps?

Yes! Solar panels can help power your heat pump, providing clean, renewable energy to keep your home warm. The best combination is normally solar panels, a battery and a heat pump as you can also charge your battery overnight at cheap rates.

03. Installation and Maintenance

How are panels attached to my roof?

Panels are mounted on a frame that’s securely fixed to your roof tiles or directly to your roof structure. The installation process is designed to be non-invasive and won’t damage your roof.

What space do I need indoors?

Not much! You’ll need space for the inverter, and if you’re getting a battery, it’ll take up about the same room as a small boiler. A utility room or garage is usually perfect.

Is my roof strong enough for solar panels?

Most modern roofs are strong enough to support solar panels, but older homes may need a structural assessment. Your installer will check before fitting anything.

Do I need a south-facing roof for solar panels?

South-facing roofs are ideal because they get the most sun, but east- and west-facing roofs can also generate plenty of electricity. North-facing roofs, however, aren’t recommended.

Part of my roof is in the shade, will solar panels still work?

If part of your roof is shaded, micro-inverters or DC optimisers can help minimise the impact. They allow each panel to work independently, so shading on one panel doesn’t affect the others.

Can I install solar panels on my flat roof?

Yes, solar panels can be installed on flat roofs using special mounting systems that angle them towards the sun. It’s a great option if your main roof isn’t suitable.

Can I install solar panels in my garden?

Yes, you can install solar panels on the ground in your garden if you have the space. Ground-mounted systems are a good alternative if your roof isn’t suitable.

How big are solar panels?

Solar panels are typically around 1.7 metres by 1 metre. You’ll need about 3-4 square metres of roof space per panel.

How many solar panels can I fit on my roof?

It depends on your roof size. A typical domestic installation might fit 10-20 panels, but we can help you calculate the exact number with our 3D modelling tool.

How many solar panels do I need?

The number of panels you need depends on your household energy use, roof size, and budget. A typical UK home might need between 10 and 15 panels to cover a significant portion of its electricity needs.

Do I need to clean my solar panels?

Solar panels are designed to be low-maintenance. Rain usually keeps them clean, but if you live in an area with lots of dust or bird droppings, an occasional clean might help with efficiency. Don’t use anything abrasive, just soapy water.

How long does installation take?

Most domestic installations take 1 to 2 days. Larger or more complex systems may take a little longer, but the disruption is minimal

Do birds nest under solar panels?

In some cases, yes - they like to lay eggs in places out of the way. We recommend installing bird guards to keep your panels clear of nesting birds.

Can you make solar panels look nicer?

There are sleek, all-black panels available that blend in better with your roof - these days most people opt for these.

Can you install solar panels on top of roof dormer windows?

Not really as normally the structure of the dormer is not strong enough.

04. Permissions, Regulations, and Financial Considerations

Do I need planning permission to install solar panels?

In most cases, solar panels are considered ‘permitted development’, so you won’t need planning permission. However, if you live in a listed building or conservation area, you might need to check with your local council. We can help you with these checks.

What is a DNO application?

A DNO (Distribution Network Operator) application is required if you plan to install solar panels. It lets your local electricity network operator know you’re adding solar so they can ensure the grid can handle it

Do I need to let Building Control know?

In most cases, no. But if you’re making significant changes to your home’s structure, like adding new beams to support the panels, it might be necessary. We’ll let you know and can manage the process for you.

What is the Feed-In Tariff?

The Feed-In Tariff was a government scheme that paid homeowners for the electricity their solar panels generated. It’s now been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).

What is the Smart Export Guarantee?

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) pays you for any extra electricity your solar panels send back to the grid. It’s a great way to make the most of your system and earn some extra cash.

How does the Smart Export Guarantee work?

Your energy supplier will pay you for the electricity your solar panels export to the grid. Rates vary by supplier, so it’s worth shopping around for the best deal.

What types of tariffs are available with solar panels?

There are tariffs designed specifically for homes with solar panels, including ones that pay you for exporting excess electricity to the grid and tariffs that allow you to buy electricity at cheaper rates during off-peak times.

What is the difference between a kilowatt peak and a kilowatt hour?

A kilowatt peak (kWp) measures how much power your solar panels can produce in perfect conditions. A kilowatt hour (kWh) is a unit of energy – it’s the amount of power used or generated over an hour.

What happens if there is a power cut?

Unless you have battery storage or a special inverter, your solar panels will automatically shut down during a power cut for safety reasons. Batteries can help keep your home powered during these times.

I’m thinking of getting an electric car, should I install more solar panels?

Yes, if you want to use your solar energy to charge your car, adding a few more panels can help. It’s a great way to cut your driving costs and reduce your carbon footprint even further.

Are there any cashback offers available on solar panels?

Yes. Whilst these change fairly frequently if you have a mortgage a number of lenders are offering cashback to help you offset the cost of adding solar to your home. When you have a home assessment call, we'll check that and help you look for current offers.