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Heat loss survey included
MCS registered engineers

What fuel do you use to heat your home today?

Pick the one which is your main source of heating.

Do you have a hot water cylinder?

This is normally a tank in an airing cupboard, garage or under the stairs.

Why are you looking to upgrade to a heat pump?

Pick the main reason why you're looking to change

How would you describe your home?

This helps us estimate your energy use.

Roughly when was your home built?

This is important as it helps us estimate how your property is constructed

How many bedrooms does your home have?

We use this to estimate the size of your home

How many people are normally living at home?

This helps us estimate how much hot water you use

What temperature do you tend to set your thermostat at when at home in the day?

The temperature that keeps you comfy when sat on the sofa

Do you have space in your garden for a heat pump?

A heat pump will often be installed in the back garden of a property.
How much do you need?
  • 1 - 1.5 meters of vertical space to fit the heat pump standing upright
  • 0.5 - 1 meter of width
  • At least 1.5 meters of unobstructed space in front of the heat pump
How much do you need?
  • 1 - 1.5 meters of vertical space to fit the heat pump standing upright
  • 0.5 - 1 meter of width
  • At least 1.5 meters of unobstructed space in front of the heat pump

Last question, what's the address of your property?

We use this to check your eligibility for the £7,500 government grant.
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Searching for your property's EPC
Checking how cold it gets in the winter near you
Estimating property heat loss based on what you told us
Hand-picking a heat pump for your home