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Frequently asked questions

Answers to the most commonly asked questions from our customers about our heat pump installations. If you'd like help we're on 0330 822 2795 or start a live chat

01. Most asked

Do you install heat pumps in my area?

We're currently installing in England, Wales and Scotland. Our network is growing every week. Use our tool to see how a heat pump could work for your home. It takes a couple of minutes and you'll have an estimate of what type of heat pump is best suited to your home. You can then claim a free home assessment at which point we'll offer you a fixed price quote.

Are your prices really fixed?

Yes they are.

When using our heat pump configuration tool we'll get you a pretty good estimate of the system you'll need to keep your home cozy. All homes are different though and that's why we offer a free home assessment during which we'll fixed your quote - so no surprises. If you like what you see we'll then organise with you a home heat loss survey. We can also complete a full home retrofit survey if you prefer which will help you understand insulation upgrades that could help your heat pump run even more efficiently.

All of our installations are designed by our engineers, plus we also include new heating controls and any upgrades needed to your radiators and  pipework.

Who are dwellow?

We are on a mission to make energy savings, simple. Our team have decades of experience in the UK home energy market - having pioneered buying a boiler online we're now bringing that to heat pumps and solar.

Our installers are all MCS registered and local to you - so you'll be supporting local people who take real pride in their work.

I think I may need planning permission, can you help?

Yes. We can organise any planning applications that may be required to install your new heat pump.

Who are your installers?

All of our installers are MCS registered engineers. They go through a strict vetting process before joining our network ensuring they have the right experience and insurance in place.

How much does a heat pump cost to replace?

The first thing we do is search out the grants available to you to help offset the cost of upgrading your heating. As at June 2024 they are £7,500 in England, Wales and Scotland. This comes straight off your quote and we even do the application on your behalf so no paperwork. Then, like with all of our services, we have worked really hard to keep our costs down to make sure you get a low and fair price for a quality installation.

We've written a more in-depth article on heat pump installation costs.

How do your home surveys work?

After your free home assessment, we will organise a home survey for £199. If you go ahead with a heat pump installation this comes off your fixed price quote. If we find that your home is not suitable for a heat pump, we'll refund the survey cost.

One of our assessors will visit your home and measure up. This means going to each of your rooms and measuring its size as well as the size of windows, radiators and doors. We'll also check existing insulation levels and look for good locations to install the outside unit, the hot water cylinder, and other fittings. Surveys typically take about two hours to complete.

,Once the survey is complete we'll make some calculations, including a heat loss and then talk you through our findings. Remember we fix our price ahead of the survey so if we find you need a larger heat pump or more radiator upgrades - the extra cost is on us. Equally if we find you need fewer radiator upgrades we'll knock this off the price at £250 per radiator.

How long will it take to get a heat pump installed?

Once your home survey is complete, we'll aim to install your heat pump within 30 days.

How long does a heat pump installation take?

The time we'll be in your home varies, but normally we can install your new heat pump within five days. During that time, we'll aim to keep disruption to a minimum.

How does your online estimate work?

We combine your answers to a handful of simple questions with publicly available data about your home and our own calculations. We estimate your home's heat loss and any radiator upgrades we think might be needed to ensure your heat pump runs efficiently. It's important to remember these are just estimates. After your home survey, we'll be able to give you a more accurate view of your future energy costs based on MCS standards.

02. What to expect

Will my radiators be colder?

Yes, if you have a heat pump, your radiators might be cooler because heat pumps typically run at a lower temperature. However, they still effectively heat your home by running for longer periods ('lower for longer') and we may recommend some radiator upgrades to help make sure enough heat is transferred into your rooms.

Do I need to change the radiators in my home?

You might need to change your radiators if you're switching to a heat pump. Larger radiators can transfer more heat into your room. As part of our Home Survey, we will assess your current setup and recommend any necessary upgrades.

What space do I need outside?

Heat pumps are usually installed outside your home, next to an external wall. They can, however, be installed away from your home but there is normally an extra cost involved as we'll need to dig a trench and install specialist piping.

The heat pump needs good circulation of air around it, so we'll choose a spot where nothing gets in the way. Heat pumps can be installed on a concrete base (which we will install) or attached to a wall. Heat pumps come in various sizes but are typically 1-1.5m tall by 1m wide.

Does the heat pump need to be right outside my house?

No. Normally, near an external wall is a good spot, but we know that doesn't work for everyone. If you'd like the heat pump to be further away from your home we will discuss options that could work for you. Normally this comes at an extra cost as we'll need to dig a trench and install specialist pipes.

What space do I need inside?

Inside, we'll install a hot water tank and some additional pipes and fittings. If you have an airing cupboard or garage space, that will normally work. During your home survey, we'll look for locations that would work well for your home.

What brands of heat pump do you install?

We install heat pumps from top manufacturers like Vaillant, Samsung and Ideal Heating. This means you'll benefit from warranties of up to 7 years as well as our 24-month workmanship warranty.

Can heat pumps also cool homes?

Yes they can, but the type that is typically installed in the UK, called air-to-water, requires quite a specialist installation to support this. The key is ensuring if cold water is circulated through your home, you'll want to avoid condensation forming on pipes.

Another option is installing an air-to-air heat pump - which most British people would recognise as air conditioning. Warm or cold air is blown into the house through units mounted on your wall or ceiling. These are efficient systems but if you are switching from radiators the change is quite disruptive.

My home is heated by oil, can I switch to a heat pump?

Yes. We find a heat pump is quite a popular choice for homeowners who currently heat their homes with oil. Because you'll have an oil tank outside you'll normally have enough space for a heat pump to be installed. It's also a great way of removing the hassle of remembering to top your oil up and insulating yourself from fluctuating oil prices.

We've written a more in depth guide to switching to a heat pump from an oil boiler here.

How do I pay for my heat pump?

As part of your home assessment, we'll check your eligibility for a government grant. In England, Wales and Scotland most households are eligible for a £7,500 grant when installing an air-to-water heat pump. You can find out more about the Boiler Upgrade Scheme on the government website.

We then have finance options available, or you can pay the balance by debit or credit card.

It gets really cold where I live, will a heat pump work?

Yes, modern heat pumps are designed to work efficiently even in very cold temperatures.

They can still provide reliable heating by extracting warmth from the air, even when it's freezing outside. Did you know that 4 in 10 homes in Scandinavia are heated by a heat pump? In these countries, a winter's day is often, on average, -8 degrees Celsius.

I'm told I have microbore pipes, will a heat pump work in my home?

Potentially. As part of your home survey, we'll measure your pipework and then make some calculations to check what is feasible and your options. Sometimes, it's a trade-off between changing your pipework and getting good efficiency from your system.

Will my heat pump work with my underfloor heating?

Yes, heat pumps work very well with underfloor heating. Both systems operate efficiently at lower temperatures, providing consistent and comfortable warmth throughout your home.

Are heat pumps noisy?

No, heat pumps are designed to operate quietly. Most modern models produce minimal noise, similar to a fridge freezer.

Will my hot water still be hot with a heat pump?

Yes, your hot water will still be hot enough for a bath with a heat pump. Normally hot water will be heated to a lower temperature with a heat pump (it's more efficient), but you'll find you still need to mix the hot water from your tap with cold water to have a bath!

Heat pumps typically have a sterilisation cycle that periodically raises the water temperature to eliminate any bacteria, ensuring your hot water is safe and comfortable.

03. Home survey

Do I need an Energy Performance Certificate to install a heat pump?

Technically no, but to be eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme in England & Wales you need an in-date Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). To be in-date it needs to be less than 10-years old. If you don't have one or it is older than 10-years we will arrange for a new EPC as part of our home survey. It's on us.

Take a quick look at our grant eligibility checker - it only takes 30 seconds.

After my home survey, when will I receive my design?

After your home survey we aim to have your design with you in a few days.

What is heat loss?

Heat loss is the escape of warmth from your home through walls, windows, roofs, and floors. Reducing heat loss improves energy efficiency and keeps your home warmer.

I'm planning an extension, can I still get a heat pump?

Yes. As part of your free home assessment call, you can tell us about your plans. We can then factor those into our calculations at the design stage.

I live in a flat, can I get a heat pump?

Possibly. If you live in a flat with access to a garden with enough space for a heat pump, we can normally make it work. Let's have a chat during a free home assessment call.

04. Grants and cashback

What do I need to be eligible for a government grant?

You'll need an in date EPC to be eligible for a government grant. If you don't have an EPC or your one is older than 10 years as part of your home survey, we will provide you with a new certificate. In addition, you need to own the property you’re applying for and be replacing fossil fuel heating systems - such as oil, gas, electric or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). You can find out more about it on the government website.

We've also put together a smart eligibility checker tool which will help you figure it all out in under 30 seconds.

Do I need insulation to be able to get a heat pump grant?

No. The eligibility criteria for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme changed in early 2024, meaning you no longer have to make sure certain insulation recommendations are completed first. Our free eligibility checker tool has been updated to reflect this change.  

That said, if you can add insulation like loft and cavity wall relatively easily it's often worth the investment. Improving the insulation of your home will help lower heating bills however you heat your home. With a heat pump, a well-insulated home will help the system run more efficiently.

Are there any cashback offers available on heat pumps?

Yes. Whilst these change fairly frequently if you have a mortgage a number of lenders are offering cashback to help you offset the cost of upgrading to a heat pump. During your home assessment call, we'll check that and help you look for current offers.

05. Installation

Do I need to improve the insulation in my home before having a heat pump installed?

Topping up your loft insulation or insulating a cavity wall is normally a pretty straightforward job, so if you can, improving your home insulation will help lower your heating bills - regardless of whether you heat your home with a boiler or a heat pump.

Suppose you are planning a more extensive refurbishment of your home and you don't have cavity walls. In that case, you may want to consider internal or external wall insulation as well as floor insulation.

That said it's often a balancing act. Heat pumps have been shown to work in pretty leaky homes, but normally with a bit of an efficiency trade-off. We can discuss options with you after your home survey.

Will you handle the DNO notification?

Yes, we will inform your local District Network Operator that we have installed a heat pump at your home. We need to do that because it helps your DNO understand where heat pumps are being installed so they can maintain a safe and efficient electricity network.

Can my heat pump be put on a wall?

Yes, heat pumps can be mounted on a wall. However, we normally don't recommend installing them above 1 m as this makes servicing them trickier in the future.

Do I need planning permission to install a heat pump?

Planning rules around heat pumps can be a little tricky. Single fan units are typically okay to install without planning permission under permitted development rights. However, other factors need to be considered, like distance from your neighbour's property, noise levels, and whether you live in a conservation area or your home is listed. Don't worry, though—as part of our home survey, we'll look at all of this and help you come up with a plan. We can even complete the planning application for you.

I'm renting my home, can you help me?

We can't help you directly, but if your landlord wants to upgrade your home heating, please ask them to contact us.

I'm renting my home, can you help me?

We can't, I'm afraid, but if your landlord wants to upgrade your home heating, please ask them to contact us.

Does the heat pump need an internet connection?

Yes. Our heat pumps can all be controlled and monitored remotely. This helps you control temperatures, and we can check on your heat pump to make sure it's running as we expect. Your installer will complete the setup as part of the installation.

When will my installer arrive?

On the first day your installer will arrive between 8am and 10am. They will check all the equipment they need is on site and walk you through the installation process. We'll need an adult to be there to welcome our installer and on the final day so we can show off your new system.

When does the equipment arrive?

We'll normally aim to have equipment delivered to your home on the first day of your installation. Sometime we need to have some equipment delivered ahead of that - but we'll agree that with you before anything turns up on your doorstep!

How much disruption should I expect?

Your installer will talk you through the plan, however you should expect some disruption. We'll do our best to keep that to a minimum but there will be times when heating and / or hot water is not available. If you have anyone with a health condition or other vulnerability in your household please do let us know.

Does someone need to be at home for the full installation?

No, not for the full installation, unless you want to be! We ask that an adult be there to welcome our installers on the first, and then again on the final day so we can walk you through your new heat pump system.

06. Energy tariffs

Are there special tariffs available if I have a heat pump?

Yes. Many energy companies are now offering heat pump tariffs where you have a smart meter installed. These tariffs typically offer lower unit prices at certain times of the day / night to encourage you to use electricity at off-peak times. We can help set up your heat pump to take advantage of these rates.

07. After care

Does my heat pump come with a warranty?

Yes. We install heat pumps from top manufacturers like Vaillant, Samsung and Ideal, meaning you'll benefit from manufacturer warranties of up to 7-years. Our work also comes with a 24-month workmanship warranty. We'll register your heat pump warranty for you.

Does your work come with a warranty?

Yes. Our heat pump installations all come with a 24-month workmanship warranty alongside your manufacturer's warranty.

Does my heat pump need servicing?

Yes. We recommend your heat pump is serviced once a year to keep it in tip top condition.

I've got no hot water, what do I do?

Give us a call on 0330 822 2795 and we'll get you back on track.

My heating has stopped working, what do I do?

Give us a call on 0330 822 2795 and we'll get you back on track.

Will I be able to control my heat pump from my phone?

Yes. Our heat pumps are connected to the internet allowing you to control your heat pump from a dedicated app on your mobile phone.