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Boiler Installation Cost Guide: How Much is a New Boiler in 2024?

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In our 2024 guide to new boiler costs, we will be explaining everything you need to know before making your purchase including: 

  • Boiler installation cost guide: what portion of this cost can be attributed to labour only as well as the total price of having a boiler fitted
  • Types of boilers and how they vary in costs (combi, conventional and system boilers)
  • The cost of upgrading to a combi boiler from a back boiler, conventional or system boiler
  • How much A-rated boilers cost from leading brands such as Ideal, Worcester Bosch and Viessmann

In Summary: New Boiler Installation Costs in 2024

The total cost of replacing a combi boiler tends to fit in the £2,250-£3,000 range. These are the cheapest types of boilers to replace. 

No boiler installation or swap is the same and below are just a few scenarios where you’ll be looking at the higher end of that range, or potentially even higher: 

  • Gas mains need upgrading to comply with current Gas Safe regulations
  • Upgrading to a combi from a back boiler, system boiler or conventional boiler
  • Installing heating zones throughout your property
  • Power flushing your system rather than a chemical flush
  • The installation of new radiators and thermostatic rad valves 

The quickest and easiest way to spec your property is to use our clickable boiler quote form here. Using specifics relating to your property, you’ll get a tailored boiler replacement price on-screen within 2 minutes.

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The two major costs associated with your new boiler replacement are labour and the boiler itself. 

Typically, you should expect to pay £750-£1,250 in labour costs. In addition to that, an A-rated boiler such as a Ideal Logic 30 Plus with a long 10-year warranty, is likely to cost around £1,000. 

Other costs associated with your new boiler include materials such as: flue / plume kit, rad valves, copper pipe, copper fittings and more.

That’s the quick overview. Below, we’ve added more price specifics, what’s involved with getting your new boiler fitted, and what you should look out for.

2024 New Boiler Installation Cost Guide

How Much is a New Boiler Fitted?

The cost of getting a new boiler fitted in a typical home (3-bedroom semi detached) is likely to be in the region of £2,250-£3,000. That’s a like-for-like combi boiler swap, rather than an upgrade from an existing system. 

That’s really only part of the story. No property is the same and we’re not just talking about the quantity of bedrooms or size. The state and setup of the current heating system is really what counts rather than whether you live in a 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom or 4 bedroom property.

Here are just a few variables we came across in properties that from the exterior might seem the same (and these all affect the price):

  • Old heating runs (pipes and radiators) - Usually inefficient and will need a chemical flush
  • Heating runs that are no longer within Gas Safe standards - Need to be upgraded which typically means cutting out old 22mm copper pipe and replacing sections with 28mm pipe
  • How many showers your property has - A 25kW - 30kW unit is usually sufficient for most properties as long as they only have one shower (the same property but with 2 showers would likely need closer to a 35kW)
  • The cost of relocating a boiler - This involves adding a new section to the heating run and hours worth of labour
  • Flue location - This vents harmful gases out of your property, and may need to be relocated to be up to spec to current Gas Safe standards
  • Type of boiler - Combi boilers are the cheapest to install. If you have a system or conventional boiler that uses a cylinder or water storage tank, the installation cost is likely to be higher
  • The exact boiler you choose - If you choose a cheap boiler with a low warranty and have lower heating and hot water demands, naturally the price of the boiler unit is going to be much less than buying a more powerful unit from one of the best boiler brands such as Ideal, Viessmann or Worcester Bosch
  • The list goes on…(forever)

One option here is to spend hours discussing the different scenarios for each of the above points. Put simply, your property is unique and the only way to get an exact price is to specify every aspect of it to see what’s needed. 

We’ve created a clickable form to spec your boiler online here. Click a few options and you’ll have a fixed price on screen in less than 2 minutes; no sales people, no waiting for call backs.

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How Much is it to Fit a Boiler (Labour Only)?

With new boiler replacement costs being in the range of £2,250-£3,000 in a typical UK property one question we get asked a lot is, how much is labour only for a boiler installation job?

On average, the cost of labour associated with a new boiler installation typically sits in the £750-£1,250 range. On the lower end we are looking at a straight swap; swapping out your broken unit for a new combi boiler. 

A combi swap is the cheapest form of boiler replacement. If your property uses a system or conventional boiler, it’s likely further work will be involved, such as replacing the hot water cylinder and/or cold water storage tank. 

Generally, a combi swap can be done in 1-2 days. In comparison, a system or conventional boiler with a new cylinder and/or cold water storage tank could be 2-4 days. And, you could be looking up to a full week if you’re looking to convert from a conventional system or back boiler to a combi boiler.

Types of Boilers

Boiler prices vary not just depending on kW output and brand, but also the type as well. So before we jump into the cost of replacing specific types of boilers, you’ll need to know which one you have.

  • Combi: If your heating system works solely off your boiler without a storage tank or hot water cylinder, you have a combi boiler
  • Conventional: Also known as heat-only or regular boilers, these are typical in larger properties and will use a cold water storage tank (usually located in a loft space) as well as a hot water cylinder
  • System: A simpler version of a conventional boiler using a hot water cylinder (usually located in an airing cupboard)

Still unsure which type of boiler you have? 

Typically your boiler will have the model and/or part number on the front or side of it. A simple Google search should unveil the type of boiler it is and therefore, the type of heating system you have. And if you’re still struggling, drop our support team a message via our contact form.

New Combi Boiler Replacement Cost

Of all the boiler types we list here, combi boilers are the most common. So, how much does it cost to fit a combi boiler?

The good news here is a combi boiler swap without any modifications to your existing heating system, is the cheapest form of boiler replacement.

The cost of a combi boiler installation is likely to be in the region of £2,250-£2,500 for a 3 bedroom semi-detached property with average hot water demand and one shower. If you have more than one shower, you may need to upgrade to a more powerful boiler and this obviously adds to the overall cost.

Want an exact price? Get a fixed price on screen within 2 minutes using our clickable boiler installation form here.

System & Conventional Boiler Replacement Cost

Like a combi boiler, you’ll be looking at a base price of around £2,250-£3,000 for a new system boiler or new conventional boiler. 

This assumes a property with reasonable heating and hot water demand, 1-2 showers, a system that doesn’t require lots of pipework upgrades and a boiler with 10 years or more warranty from a leading brand like Worcester Bosch.

This price doesn’t account for hot water cylinders or cold water storage tanks. If your current heating system is a few years old and you simply have an unreliable boiler, it’s likely you can re-use these tanks, saving yourself £750-£1,500 in the process. If not, you’ll need to upgrade the cylinder / cold water tank which when accounting, for labour could be in the region of £1,500. 

Overall, an installation including a new cylinder / water tank could then be in the region of £3,000-£4,500. 

Cost of Upgrading or Converting to a Combi Boiler

In a few instances, boiler installations are not direct swaps (i.e. swapping an old combi boiler for a new one). 

Here are a few common scenarios where the property warrants changing / upgrading the type of boiler it currently has: 

  • Replace a back boiler with a combi as these boilers are massively inefficient and sometimes, considered dangerous
  • Replace a system or conventional boiler with a combi, mainly for those who want to get rid of water tanks and save some space.

In these circumstances, the price tends to be closer to a system or conventional installation rather than a combi boiler swap. 

The Cost of Replacing a Back Boiler to a Combi Boiler

A typical combi boiler replacement price is going to sit in the £2,250-£3,000 range. Given the complex work involved with decommissioning a back boiler and removing pipework (or capping it off), the price of upgrading in this instance is going to be at the higher end. 

Put simply, if you want to upgrade to a combi boiler and you currently have a back boiler, expect costs to be in the neighbourhood of £4,500.

Time taken to complete an install like this varies as much as the price. But typically, this kind of upgrade would take 3-6 days to complete. 

The Cost of Replacing a System / Conventional Boiler to a Combi Boiler

Depending on whether your current boiler setup is a conventional or system boiler, a Gas Safe engineer will need to remove both hot and cold water storage tanks and cap off any pipework. 

Much of the other installation work involved is similar to when swapping out an old combi boiler for a new one. Instead of taking 1-2 days for a standard swap, upgrading a conventional or system boiler to a combi is likely to take 4-6 days. 

So what are the actual costs of upgrading to a combi boiler from a conventional or system boiler? Installs of this kind are likely to cost £4,500, in comparison to a normal combi swap which would cost £2,250-£3,000. 

Obviously the actual price depends on the complexity of the installation (each property is different), the exact brand and model of boiler you choose and more. 

You can grab an exact and fixed price for your combi upgrade on-screen in less then 2 minutes using our clickable boiler quote page here

A-Rated Boiler Prices From The Best Boiler Brands

Like any product, you get what you pay for. If you want to save a little, there are brands out there offering incredibly cheap boilers. Typically this is going to mean they also come with a tiny warranty, and that’s something we’re completely against. 

If you’ve read our guide to the best and most reliable boiler brands, you’ll know the short term savings (generally £100 or so) are far outweighed by the long term repair costs. Your first repair bill that sits outside of warranty will be much higher than what you saved initially.

If you take just one thing from this page, be it the fact that you want a warranty that’s as long as possible. Most of our boiler installations come with a 10-year warranty or more, as we feel that’s the minimum warranty any new boiler should come with.

Taking an average here, expect to pay around £1,000 for an A-rated boiler from a leading boiler manufacturer. 

Here’s a quick list of the most popular boiler brands and their best selling models with the longest warranty:

  • Alpa E-Tec
  • Ideal Logic Plus
  • Vaillant EcoTec
  • Viessmann Vitodens
  • Worcester Bosch Life.

With labour costs, parts (flue, copper pipe and fittings) and more, expect the total cost of your new boiler replacement to sit in the £2,250-£3,000 range. 

Want to know exactly how much? Use our 2 minute clickable boiler replacement form here, and get your fixed price on screen. 

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